Career and Technical Education (CTE) Articulation Agreements

  • Offer tuition-free college courses at the CTE center you are attending.
  • Taught by instructors that are selected by your institution and approved by an SMCC department chair.
  • Determine successful course completion by using a proficiency-based grading system.
  • Earn you credits (with successful course completion) that can be applied towards a degree or certificate at SMCC. These credits can only be applied after you’ve taken 12 additional credits at the College.

Register for Courses Offered through CTE Articulation Agreements

To see if your school participates, view the list of CTEs with SMCC Articulation Agreements.

If you find that your school participates, talk with your guidance counselor to learn what courses may be available to you.

Requirements for Taking Courses through CTE Articulation Agreements

  • Be a high school junior or senior.
  • Be recommended for college-level courses by an administrator at your CTE center.