Tuition Calculator
SMCC offers among the lowest tuition and fees in New England. Whether you plan to attend full- or part-time, we want to help you plan for success. Use the tuition and fees calculator below to build a quick, customized estimate of your expenses.
Please note: This calculator is for credit classes only. Noncredit classes and training program cost information can be found on their respective webpages.
Most courses at SMCC are 3 credits. When using the course search and viewing course details, you can view number of credits for that specific course.
For more information on the New England Regional Tuition rates, visit our Tuition Breaks & Programs webpage.
For more information on the New England Regional Tuition rates, visit our Tuition Breaks & Programs webpage.
Tuition and Fees:Room and Board:
Total Expenses:
Costs are based on 2024-2025 tuition rates.
Housing Rates
Housing rates are based on double occupancy.Book Costs
On average, books cost an additional $700 per semester for full-time students. Book costs may vary depending on the type of classes you are taking. You can save on book costs by renting or purchasing used books through the SMCC Bookstore. You may also be able to sell back your books at the end of the semester through the book buyback program. To learn more, visit the SMCC Bookstore website or contact them directly at 207-741-5533.Additional Fees
- Some programs (such as our Health Science programs) have additional fees. For more information, visit our Tuition & Fees webpage.
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ThuApr 03
April 3, Thurs., Summer bills available
MonApr 07
April 7, Mon., 8 a.m., Summer new student/dual enrollment registration begins
FriApr 11
April 11, Fri., 5 p.m., Last day to withdraw from Spring classes*
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