Southern Maine Community College (SMCC) welcomed high school guidance counselors to its Midcoast Campus on Friday, Feb. 14, for a guidance counselor breakfast. The event

President Miller welcomes guests to Midcoast Campus
provided an opportunity to explore the diverse educational pathways available at the Midcoast Campus, connect with SMCC admissions and advising staff, and enjoy a complimentary brunch.
Vicki-Rose Porter, SMCC’s director of student success, highlighted the importance of the gathering. “The Midcoast Campus provides unique academic and workforce development opportunities tailored to the needs of our students and the local economy. This event allowed us to showcase our offerings and strengthen connections with guidance counselors who play a vital role in helping students navigate their post-secondary paths.”
The morning began with a warm welcome by SMCC President Kristen Miller, followed by informative sessions on admissions, early college programs, and onboarding/advising. Attendees also gained insights into student life and residence life, as well as workforce development programs. A Q&A session allowed counselors to engage directly with SMCC staff.
“The event was about networking,” said Rick Wilson, extended learning coordinator at Brunswick High School. “It helped us understand the different communication methods, the available programs, and how we can connect students to the various entry points SMCC offers.”
The event was a fantastic opportunity to foster valuable partnerships between SMCC and local educators. SMCC will host a similar event at the So. Portland Campus on Friday, March 7, from 9 a.m. – noon. If you are an area educator and would like to attend, RSVP at For more information, please get in touch with SMCC Assistant Director of Admissions Joshua Walker at